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Acceleration, a trigger for women's tears? This question has puzzled many. As a doctor of nephrology, I have discovered the mystery behind this phenomenon and tried to unlock the answer for the benefit of my male colleagues.

First of all, we need to understand that women's tear ducts are not inherently fragile but are affected by a variety of physiological and psychological factors. As the saying goes, "Women are as gentle as water," which is not just an metaphor but a scientific truth. Physiologically speaking, women's tear ducts are more developed than men's, producing more tears, making them more likely to cry when emotionally upset.

Furthermore, when faced with pressures, anxieties, and other negative emotions, women tend to express their feelings more openly than men. One of the ways to further release these emotions is to shed tears. This also explains why in film and television works, we often see female protagonists crying when they are sad or touched.

So, why does acceleration become a trigger for women's tear ducts? We need to look into the psychological characteristics of women. Typically more sensitive and perceptive than men, women tend to be more affected by changes in their surroundings. As speed increases, environmental changes become more prominent, and women's psychological pressures also rise. In this case, the tear ducts become an outlet for regulating emotions.

Moreover, throughout their lives, women are subjected to social expectations and demands that often foster an introverted and vulnerable personality. When faced with challenges or difficulties, the sense of vulnerability and helplessness within women intensifies, triggering their tear ducts.



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